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What are the differences between 60 Hz and 144 Hz refresh rate?


In this section of our website, we share useful information about the differences between refresh rates of 60Hz and 144Hz with our dear users so that you can finally have a better understanding of these two types of monitors that are common and widely used in the world of computer hardware. In the continuation of the article, we also discuss topics such as the differences between 60Hz and 144Hz monitors in gaming and video playback, as well as the differences between these two types of refresh rates in the world of monitors and laptops. Finally, we discuss some tips about the differences between 60Hz and 144Hz monitors in terms of construction architecture, purchase cost, energy consumption, and other advantages and different capabilities of them, so please stay with us until the end of this article.

60 Hz and 144 Hz refresh rate 1

How does gaming experience differ between 60Hz and 144Hz refresh rates?

The refresh rate of 60Hz and 144Hz in gaming have significant differences that gamers can detect, In this section of the article, we share the most important of these differences with you. When we use the term 60Hz, it means that the monitor in question is updated 60 times per second and displays the images in the same way, In general, a refresh rate of 60Hz is sufficient for simple office use on computers and monitors. In gaming, it can also be said that a refresh rate of 60 is acceptable for simple games with less movement, but when the gamer moves on to faster video games like action games, the limitations of a 60Hz refresh rate will become more noticeable to the user. In such conditions, the gamer may experience problems such as screen tearing and occasional lags, which will reduce the enjoyment of the game for them.

On the other hand, in a monitor with a refresh rate of 144Hz, each image is updated approximately 144 times per 60 seconds, This makes the output images on the monitor and the game smoother. Therefore, in games such as action and competitive styles that have faster gameplay, this faster 144Hz refresh rate completely makes the final output on the monitor look better, In such conditions, the user or gamer will be less likely to experience problems such as screen tearing and various lags, and they can perform better. Of course, it is always important to remember that monitors that support a refresh rate of 144Hz often require a stronger graphics card to display this number of frame rates so that the final result is more attractive and practical.

What are the applications of 60Hz and 144Hz monitors?

60Hz and 144Hz monitors have many applications in the monitor and gaming display industry, Each of these monitors can meet the needs of users in different conditions. For example, if you are a user looking for an affordable and economical monitor for simple tasks such as browsing the web, viewing office documents, watching videos, basic photo editing, and also enjoying simple games, 60Hz monitors will fully meet your needs.

However, if you are a user who is highly idealistic and likes everything to be at its best, and also in your computer usage, you do applications such as professional gaming, professional image and video editing, it is better to buy one of these monitors from the very beginning with a suitable budget due to the many advantages of monitors with a refresh rate of 144Hz. Therefore, in general, the use of 60Hz or 144Hz monitors depends entirely on the conditions of each user in different uses, But always remember that when choosing the refresh rate of your system, be sure to pay special attention to other components of your computer, including your graphics card, so that you do not feel any shortage in different conditions.

If you, dear users of the site, are interested in the difference between different computer components, such as you can read this article SATA 2 vs SATA 3 on the site.

60 Hz and 144 Hz refresh rate 2

How do 60Hz and 144Hz laptop refresh rates function?

Refresh rates of 60 Hz and 144 Hz also have a special place in the world of laptops, and you can find such laptops in all price ranges. As we mentioned in the previous section of this article, a refresh rate of 60 Hz is used in most standard-grade laptops on the market because it has the minimum standard for displaying ordinary images. These laptops are mostly produced for simpler applications such as office and multimedia, so if you are planning to buy an economical and affordable laptop, it is likely that the laptop has a refresh rate of 60 Hz.

However, in most laptops with slightly higher prices, especially over $500, we have recently seen laptops with a refresh rate of 144 Hz, So if you are also looking for a smooth and appropriate experience in various processes such as gaming, professional image and video editing in your purchased laptop, it is better to spend a little more budget and go for these types of attractive laptops. In general, given the production of various laptops with refresh rates of 60 Hz and 144 Hz, users usually do not have any problems buying either of these two types of laptops and Users have complete freedom to buy these types of laptops and can become the owner of a suitable laptop with such a display by spending a reasonable budget.

How does the power consumption of 60Hz and 144Hz monitors compare?

Monitors with refresh rates of 60 Hz and 144 Hz also have differences in terms of power consumption, which in most cases can be ignored. As we wrote for you dear users of our site in the higher parts of this article, the advantages that 144 Hz monitors have over monitors with a refresh rate of 60 Hz are so remarkable that in general, the slightly higher consumption of these monitors can be ignored. In general, usually all 60 Hz and 144 Hz monitors on the market, at most in their standard versions, consume less than 10 watts of power and energy, which, well, this number is much less than the power consumption of the graphics card and CPU.

Of course, it is worth mentioning that many factors can affect the power consumption of any monitor, for example, if the resolution and clarity of that monitor is higher and on the other hand, its refresh rate is also very high, its energy consumption may also be higher than the standard state, for example, a 4K 60+144 Hz monitor consumes more energy than a 4K 60 Hz monitor. Factors such as the intrinsic panel of the monitors in question, the dimensions and size of the monitors, and the technologies used in those monitors can also affect the power consumption of that monitor, but in general, it can be said that all 60 Hz and 144 Hz monitors produced today have the minimum required consumption standards and there is no cause for concern in this regard.

What impact does a 60Hz refresh rate have on video playback compared to a 144Hz refresh rate?

Monitors with 60 Hz and 144 Hz also have some differences in the video playback factor, In this section of the article, we will mention the most important of these. In general, it can be said that for watching and playing most videos, a 60 Hz monitor can also be sufficient, because most movies and videos that are recorded and stored are typically 24 to 30 frames per second. Additionally, some other videos, especially on platforms like YouTube, are 60 frames per second, which means that a 60 Hz monitor with good quality is also suitable for playing such videos.

However, if you are a user who is very discerning and sensitive to seeing different images and videos, especially in action and fast-paced movies and games, having a 144 Hz monitor can also be more attractive for you. In such conditions, you will also enjoy watching such videos to the fullest, Therefore, it can be said that ultimately, the choice of a 60 Hz or 144 Hz monitor for watching different videos depends on your taste, accuracy, and also your personal habits.

If you, dear users of the site, are interested in the difference between different computer components, such as you can read this article water cooling and air cooling on the site.

60 Hz and 144 Hz refresh rate 3

How much does the price of 60Hz monitors differ from 144Hz monitors?

Monitors with 60Hz and 144Hz refresh rates also have significant differences in terms of price and cost, In this section of the article, we will discuss the most important of these differences. In general, and under equal conditions, the price of monitors with a 144Hz refresh rate can be up to 50% higher than that of monitors with a 60Hz refresh rate, However, it is important to remember that this is not necessarily a rule of thumb in the world of monitors. There are always companies and brands that produce affordable monitors with excellent features and prices due to the high competition in product sales.

If we want to talk about this issue in more detail, we can generally say that today in the market, you can find high-quality 60Hz monitors with budgets of around $100, However, if the size and dimensions of the monitor you are looking for increase, or if the resolution and quality of its panel is higher, then that 60Hz monitor can also be more expensive, and even reach $200 or more. On the other hand, to buy 144Hz monitors, it can be said that in the least case you must at least pay $150 to $200, The higher the quality of that monitor in terms of resolution, size, and also various technologies, the more significant this increase in price can be. Fortunately, in recent years, it can be said that due to the cheaper manufacturing technologies of these types of monitors, you can buy one of these 144Hz monitors with any budget, only 4K 144Hz monitors may be a bit more expensive at the moment.


We hope that this article has been useful for you dear users and you have been able to learn more about the capabilities and also the differences between the two common and practical types of monitors in the world of computer hardware, namely 60Hz and 144Hz. In general, as you can see in the text of the article above, the use of either of the two types of monitors that comply with 60Hz and 144Hz in computer usage, can be helpful to people in different conditions and in general has advantages and disadvantages. If you have any other questions about these common technologies in the world of computer hardware, please share them with us in the comments section of this article.

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hardwaredifference.com is a blog that tries to share the differences between different hardware in simple language for users interested in the hardware world. We put articles on the site for dear users in various hardware fields, including PC, gaming, consoles, laptops, mobiles, etc . We hope you spend helpful moments on our blog.

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