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How much RAM capacity is required for different computer applications?


In this section of our website, we will share useful information about the best RAM capacity for different computer applications with you, our dear users, so that you can ultimately have a better understanding of the appropriate RAM capacity in the world of computer hardware. In the following sections of the article, we will also discuss topics such as the appropriate amount of RAM capacity for operations such as gaming, rendering, video editing and programming, and finally we will discuss the appropriate amount of RAM capacity for laptops, mobiles and PCs. So please stay with us on the website until the end of this article.

RAM capacity 1

How much RAM is best for gaming?

The best RAM capacity for gaming depends on many factors, and we will point out the most important of these factors in this section, Among the most important factors are the type of game you want to play and the other components of your computer. For example, if you mostly play games with advanced graphics or games with larger maps, you will probably need more RAM to play your games. Also, some games, due to poor optimization by the game developer, will generally have high RAM consumption. Overall, it can be said that for new games, you will need t least 16GB of RAM for gaming, and for better future planning and avoiding any problems, 24GB to 32GB of RAM can be suggested as the appropriate RAM for gaming in the world of PC gaming.

The situation is slightly different in the world of mobile gaming and even gaming consoles, For example, in mobile gaming, you can have a good performance with 8 to 12 GB of RAM, and in gaming consoles, the situation is almost like PC gaming and more RAM is needed. However, if you still have an older system or still use older games, you can even temporarily get the job done with 8GB of RAM in some specific cases. But in modern games, it can be said with certainty that this amount of RAM is no longer enough.

So, in general, it can be said that if you are a gamer who always uses heavy games with very advanced graphics or are into streaming games and multitasking on your system, for your peace of mind, it is better to go for the newer 32GB RAMs right from the start of buying or upgrading your system. But if you follow games more casually and for entertainment, or are more interested in experiencing older games or games with lower graphics and resolution, then 16GB RAM is likely to still meet your needs in the world of PC gaming.

If you, dear users of the site, are interested in the differences between different computer parts such as the world of RAMs, you can read this article on the most important differences between RAM DDR4 and DDR5 on the site.

How much RAM is best for video rendering and editing?

There are also important points to consider when choosing the best RAM capacity for tasks such as rendering and video editing, We will try to discuss the most important of these points in this section of the article for you, our dear users. In general, it can be said that determining the amount or capacity of RAM in the rendering section depends more on the type of rendering itself and also the software used by the user. For example, a user may do more light, short, and one-dimensional renders, in which case it is possible to get the job done to an acceptable level with less RAM. However, there are also times when users do more heavy, advanced, multidimensional, and long renders, in which case higher RAMs such as 32, 64, and 128 GB can be much more helpful to users.

The exact same conditions apply to video and photo editing, If you are a user who mostly uses resolutions like 1080p for video editing, a moderate RAM capacity like 16GB will probably meet your needs most of the time. However, if you are a user who constantly edits videos and photos with 4k and 8k resolution, in such cases it is better to use higher capacity RAMs such as 32 or 64 GB to speed up your work. It is also worth mentioning in this section that RAM alone cannot determine the speed and performance of the system in processes such as rendering or video editing. Other components such as CPU, graphics processor, and storage also play an important role in the user’s system, and it is necessary for users to pay special attention to these parts in their system.

RAM capacity 2

How much RAM is best for programming and graphics work?

There are also important factors that can affect the determination of the best RAM capacity for tasks such as programming and working with graphics software, which we will discuss in this section of the article. In general, it can be said that programming and related software do not necessarily require a lot of RAM, and in most cases, tasks can be accomplished with a 16GB RAM. However, sometimes when a programmer uses more advanced patterns such as artificial intelligence or programming used in machine learning and various databases, having a 32 or 64 GB RAM can be very effective in speeding up various tasks and helping the programmer.

In terms of using graphics software, it can also be said that the role of system RAM can be very effective. For example, in programs that require fewer graphical resources, it may be possible to manage many tasks in today’s world with the same 16GB of RAM. However, it is also worth noting that having more RAM, such as 32 or 64 GB, can significantly improve system performance for graphics tasks, along with a good CPU, storage, and graphics card. Therefore, it is generally recommended to use at least 16 GB of RAM for programming or graphics tasks. Also, if you use your system for more advanced graphics or programming tasks such as working with artificial intelligence or machine learning programming tools, it is better to go for RAM capacities such as 32 GB from the start and be sure of the smoothness of your system in various multitasking.

How much RAM is best for laptops and mobile devices?

There are also important points to consider when determining the appropriate RAM capacity in laptops and mobile phones, In this section of the article, we will try to discuss the most important of these points and issues so that you, our dear users, become more familiar with these features. First, we will discuss the appropriate RAM capacity for laptops, In this section, we can say that determining the exact amount of appropriate RAM capacity depends on the conditions and use of different users of their laptops. If you are a user who only uses your laptop for browsing office documents or simple web browsing, as well as listening to music and watching simple movies, you can completely satisfy your needs with 8 to 16 GB of RAM and enjoy your laptop to the fullest.

However, if you use your laptop for heavy and advanced tasks such as rendering, gaming, or professional video editing, in this case you will need at least 16 GB of RAM for your laptop. Our suggestion in this regard is that if you are a more professional user or if you are looking to be future-proof in this area, go for 32 GB of RAM for your laptop at the very beginning. However, the situation is a little different in mobile phones or smartphones, and we can manage and meet our needs with less RAM. For example, if we only use our mobile phone for browsing the internet and social networks, or simply use our mobile phone for playing music or displaying movies, we can do our job in the best way with 6 to 8 GB of RAM and not have any problems. Even in this regard, if we are not strict, in special cases we can manage such simple tasks with 4 GB of RAM on our smartphone.

However, if you are a user who constantly uses heavy games, multitasking operations, and also more professional video editing on your mobile phone or smartphone, it is better to use smartphones with at least 8 GB of RAM or, if you have the budget, go for 12 GB RAM mobiles and make yourself more comfortable in this area from the beginning.

RAM capacity 3

How much RAM is best for PCs and office computers?

There are also some points to consider for determining the best RAM capacity in PCs and office computers, which users should pay attention to when making their purchases, We will discuss the most important of these differences in this section of the article. In general, considering the needs of users is one of the most important factors in determining the appropriate RAM capacity in PCs. For example, if we have a user who constantly performs heavy multitasking operations on their system, it is better to equip their system with at least 16 to 32 GB of RAM so that they do not feel any shortage in their system.

However, if we have a user who uses their PC for simpler tasks such as browsing the web or browsing office documents, we do not need to use high-capacity RAMs, Instead, in most cases, we can meet the needs of our office computer with 8 to 16 GB of RAM. So, in general, in this section, you should always remember to purchase the desired RAM based on your needs and budget, and do not be confused.

If you, dear site users, are more interested in different computer interfaces and ports, you can read this article on the most important differences between USB 2 and USB 3 on the site.

How can I upgrade the RAM in my computer or laptop?

There are also important points to consider when upgrading the RAM of a computer or laptop, which we will try to discuss the most important of these points in this section of the article for you, our dear users, and increase your knowledge in this field. First, we will discuss the issue of upgrading computer RAM, In general, it can be said that by following a few specific steps, we can easily increase the RAM capacity of our computer. Of course, it is worth mentioning in this regard that we should also pay special attention to the compatibility of the RAM and the motherboard. In this section, to avoid making the article too long, we will not go into detail about upgrading the RAM capacity of a computer or laptop, but in another article we will try to put a more specialized article on the website in this field.

However, for upgrading the RAM capacity of laptops, we are faced with almost similar conditions as desktop computers, but usually there is a bit more complexity for users in this regard. Because in some laptops, you can simply upgrade the RAM capacity by opening and closing the case and finding the location of the RAM on the motherboard. However, in some other laptops, due to their more compact design, it is more difficult to open and close the laptop case, In such a situation, it is better to use a hardware specialist to upgrade the RAM capacity of your laptop. Also, before purchasing your new RAM, always make sure that it is compatible with the motherboard and that the laptop’s CPU supports the desired RAM in order to perform this process without any problems.


We hope this article has been useful for you, our dear users, and that you have been able to learn more about the best RAM capacity for different computer applications. In general, as you can see in the text of the article above, to determine the appropriate amount of RAM capacity for various tasks such as gaming, rendering, and also in the world of laptops, mobiles and PCs, you need to pay attention to important points and consider the prerequisites. If you have any other questions about the best RAM capacity for different computer applications, please share them with us in the comments section of this article.

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hardwaredifference.com is a blog that tries to share the differences between different hardware in simple language for users interested in the hardware world. We put articles on the site for dear users in various hardware fields, including PC, gaming, consoles, laptops, mobiles, etc . We hope you spend helpful moments on our blog.

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