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What are the key differences between RAM DDR4 and DDR5?


In this section of our website, we share useful information about the main differences between DDR4 and DDR5 RAM with you, dear site users, so that you can finally have a better understanding of these two popular and widely used types of RAM in the world of computer systems. . In the rest of the article, we will discuss topics such as the difference between DDR4 and DDR5 RAMs in games and rendering, and we will also discuss the differences between these two types of RAM in the world of laptops. We also discuss the differences between DDR4 and DDR5 RAMs in terms of data transfer speed, bandwidth, operating system boot speed, as well as the price or purchase cost of these two common types of RAM in the computer world. So please stay with us until the end of this article.

DDR4 and DDR5 1

How does DDR4 RAM compare to DDR5 RAM in terms of gaming performance?

DDR4 and DDR5 RAM have different features in different aspects, In this part of the article, we will discuss the differences between these two common types of RAM in gaming performance. Until a few years ago, DDR4 RAM was used as the default RAM in most gaming computers. These RAMs, which first entered the world of gaming computers in 2014, were able to meet all the needs of gamers in terms of gaming, Also, these DDR4 RAMs, due to their high frequency and sufficient bandwidth, could handle all modern games.

However, since the world of gaming computers is constantly changing and evolving, in 2021 we witnessed the unveiling of newer technologies such as DDR5, This type of RAM can provide better performance for gamers in modern games due to its much higher frequencies and bandwidth than DDR4 RAMs. But in general, there is not much difference in the use of DDR4 and DDR5 RAMs in ordinary and old games, These differences are noticeable in newer games with stunning graphics and higher quality textures.

Also, in terms of gaming capabilities, factors such as graphics card, central processing unit, and SSD storage have more impact than RAM production, Or, the desired RAM capacity is usually a more important issue than the RAM itself. The more RAM capacity we have for gaming, or the higher the frequency of the desired RAM, the better response performance we expect from that RAM in the game. However, to use DDR4 and DDR5 RAMs in the modern world and in gaming systems, we must also pay attention to many factors, including the upgradeability of the motherboard, the central processing unit, and its socket. Since in general, all gaming system manufacturers are gradually moving towards DDR5 RAMs today, it is better to always go for the use and purchase of these RAMs for your gaming system in the first place.

Also, these types of RAM have had a very good price reduction in recent months, which can justify their use as the default in new gaming computers. But if you still have an old computer system, you can go for DDR4 RAMs depending on your selected motherboard, These types of RAM can still fully meet most of your gaming needs.

What are the key differences between DDR4 and DDR5 RAM when it comes to motherboard compatibility?

DDR4 and DDR5 RAMs also have differences in compatibility with different motherboards, which users should always pay special attention to when using these types of RAMs, One of these differences is the different physical design of the sockets and pins of DDR4 and DDR5 RAMs. Typically, major CPU manufacturers use specific sockets based on DDR4 and DDR5 RAMs in their different generations. For example, Intel, one of the largest CPU manufacturers, only used DDR4 RAM in its different generations of processors such as the 1151 socket, but with the migration and production of newer DDR5 RAMs, Intel also changed its newer sockets such as 1700 to support this type of RAM.

For this reason, all major motherboard manufacturers such as Asus, MSI, and Gigabyte also follow these standards in their manufactured motherboards, Of course, it is worth mentioning here that Intel and AMD have provided support for DDR4 and DDR5 RAMs simultaneously in their processors and motherboards for users in some of their generations.

In general, according to the points mentioned in this part of the article, when upgrading or buying new RAMs, you should always pay attention to the compatibility of your selected motherboard and CPU with these types of RAMs. If your computer system or motherboard is very new and is from the past 1-2 years, it definitely supports DDR5 RAMs, but if the system you choose is a little older and for example is for at least 5 years ago, DDR4 RAMs can be used for this. If you have not yet decided on the generation of your RAM, you can get more information with the help of information available on the internet and also the website of the motherboard manufacturer, and make yourself comfortable in this regard.

If you, dear site users, are more interested in different computer interfaces and ports, you can read this article on the most important differences between USB 2 and USB 3 on the site.

DDR4 and DDR5 2

What are the primary distinctions between DDR4 and DDR5 RAM in laptops?

DDR4 and DDR5 RAM are also widely used in laptops, In this section of the article, we will discuss some of their applications, Until a few years ago, DDR4 RAM was the dominant type in laptops, in all categories of use, including office, gaming, and multimedia. This was because DDR4 RAM offered fast operating frequencies and low power consumption, making it a logical and affordable choice for laptops. However, with the advent of newer DDR5 RAM, we are gradually seeing this type of RAM being used in computers, including gaming laptops and workstation laptops. Of course, there are still many laptops on the market that offer average gaming capabilities but have DDR4 RAM, However, these laptops typically have an economical price range.

In general, when buying a new laptop, you should consider which generation of RAM it supports, If your laptop uses newer DDR5 RAM, you can enjoy the great features of this type of RAM, such as the ability to support higher frequencies and higher bandwidth, for maximum enjoyment and productivity in your computer tasks. However, if you plan to upgrade your laptop’s RAM, it is best to first make sure that your laptop supports DDR4 RAM and what specifications it supports, such as frequency and response speed, using the information available on the laptop manufacturer’s website. It can still be said that DDR4 laptop RAM can generally meet the needs of ordinary users at present.

What is the difference in memory bandwidth between DDR4 and DDR5 RAM?

DDR4 and DDR5 RAM have key differences in terms of data transfer speed and bandwidth, Here is a simple explanation of some of these differences. DDR4 RAM typically has a data transfer speed of 2400 MHz up to a maximum of less than 4800 MHz, This data rate allows DDR4 RAM to have acceptable speed and bandwidth for transferring data between the CPU and RAM, and can significantly improve system performance in some computer processes.

On the other hand, DDR5 RAM typically starts with a minimum data transfer speed of 4800 MHz, As DDR5 RAM still has the potential to improve frequency and data speed, it is currently found in DDR5 RAM at speeds of around 8000 MHz. This frequency may continue to increase with technological advancements and further optimizations, As a result, DDR5 RAM has a significant increase in data transfer speed up to 2x compared to its predecessor, DDR4. This increase in frequency and speed leads to an increase in the bandwidth of these types of RAM, Ultimately, this means that we can expect to see higher speeds in computers that use this type of RAM for tasks such as gaming, rendering, and heavy multitasking.

How does DDR4 RAM compare to DDR5 RAM in terms of system boot time?

In terms of fast boot capability in various operating systems such as Windows, DDR4 and DDR5 RAMs can be said to have no significant difference with each other, but in general it can be said that DDR5 RAMs due to having more advanced technologies such as higher frequencies and bandwidths can cause the operating system to boot with less delay. However, in such cases, it is always better to ensure the appropriate optimizations in the BIOS settings of the motherboard and the dual-channel capability of your RAMs.

If you do not have much information about dual-channel RAMs, you can find more information about these common computer memories in this article on the website. Also, in general, increasing the boot speed of the operating system in different computers, in addition to the desired RAM, depends heavily on other factors such as SSD storage space, if you want to boot your operating system faster, it is better to use SSD for this purpose.

How much does DDR4 RAM cost compared to DDR5 RAM?

DDR4 and DDR5 RAM also differ in terms of price and cost, In this section of the article, we will discuss some of the most important ones. DDR4 RAMs are often available in a variety of price ranges in the market, This is due to the years of presence of this generation of RAMs in the market and the fierce competition between manufacturers. Therefore, DDR4 RAMs with capacities such as 16 GB, 32 GB, and even more can be easily purchased at a reasonable cost.

On the other hand, DDR5 RAMs had very high and exorbitant prices at the beginning of their launch, However, it can now be said that the cost of purchasing this type of RAM has become much more competitive and affordable than before due to the increased availability and production by many companies and brands. Therefore, if you are planning to buy a new computer system and your selected motherboard supports this type of RAM, you can easily purchase them with your budget.

Of course, only in specific models or brands with excellent quality and have DDR5 RAMs with very high frequency speeds such as above 7000 MHz, the prices may still be high for purchasing this type of RAM. However, this type of RAM is usually used for specialized applications such as overclocking and special computer uses. Therefore, it can be said that there is currently no need for such a high cost for gaming and ordinary users, and all computer needs can be met at reasonable prices with RAMs with frequencies between 5200 MHz and 6400 MHz.

If you, dear users of the site, are interested in the difference between different computer components, such as you can read this article SATA 2 vs SATA 3 on the site.

DDR4 and DDR5 3

How does DDR4 RAM compare to DDR5 RAM in terms of rendering performance?

DDR4 and DDR5 RAM have distinctive features in terms of rendering performance, which we will discuss in this section, DDR4 RAM still provides acceptable speed in processes such as rendering. In particular, if the RAM you are looking for has high capacity and frequency, it can be expected that DDR4 RAM will provide significant help to the rendering processes in video and three-dimensional editing.

However, DDR5 RAM, due to its twice as high frequency and bandwidth as DDR4 RAM, can perform such rendering processes faster and save users more time. Therefore, if your system is still somewhat old, you can rely on high-quality DDR4 RAM in dual-channel mode for basic to intermediate rendering, However, if for any reason you process a lot of rendering operations daily, it is better to go for faster DDR5 RAM to speed up your work. It is important to note that in operations such as rendering, only the speed of the RAM is not the determining factor, other components such as CPU, graphics card, and even system storage and ultimately the support of the software used in the rendering process will also be effective.


We hope that this article was useful for you, dear users of the site, and that you were able to learn more about the features and differences between two popular and practical types of computer RAM, namely DDR4 and DDR5 RAM. In general, as you can see in the text of the article above, using any of these two types of RAM can have advantages for users in different situations and help different users. If you have any other questions about this type of DDR4 and DDR5 RAM, please share them with us in the comments section of this article.

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hardwaredifference.com is a blog that tries to share the differences between different hardware in simple language for users interested in the hardware world. We put articles on the site for dear users in various hardware fields, including PC, gaming, consoles, laptops, mobiles, etc . We hope you spend helpful moments on our blog.

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